Wednesday, September 2, 2015


My sources include two books and an article. All three are informative pieces of writing. One book is called American Business Writing and it is about common forms of literature that arise in a business setting. The other book is called Effective Business Writing and it includes details and tips about professional writing. The article is from an online data base and has information on formal and informal papers. With the facts gathered from all three sources, I will inform the reader of the details and different types of writing in business.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Major Writing1 Analysis

This assignment requires a four page informational report about types of writing in a certain field. My report will be geared toward high school students who are interested in the field of business. I will be using many written sources and conduct an interview with Brooke Paulsen, my business class instructor, to gather all the necessary information. The report will have a positive tone about the business field because high school students should be interested in learning more about it. A student who reads a four page report about business writing shows academic interest and is why a report is the best of media to reach the audience.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

High School Essay

It is common knowledge that tobacco use is unhealthy. However many people still choose to participate in the harmful act. Back in high school, I wrote a persuasive paper to discourage teenage use of tobacco. The intended purpose of the paper was to inform teenagers of the negative effects of smoking or chewing which would lead the audience to live a tobacco free life. There were many logos in the paper that were meant to shock the reader, for example, smoking takes 14 years off of a person's life span. The use of facts and statistics in the paper made it look more credible because I had a works cited page to back them up.

The paper did not only consist of cold, hard facts, it also appealed to the emotional side of the audience. One of the anecdotes was about a man who smoked as a teenager and had to have multiple amputations later in life. Another story was about a girl who was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 20 because she started smoking when she was twelve years old. She died in her late 20's. Teenagers, who were the intended audience, could easily relate to the mythos because all the people started smoking at a young age.

The goal of the paper was to get teenagers to stop smoking. One way that my paper could have been improved was a better form of media. Many teenagers would rather look at a picture than read a paper. A cover or an ad included with the paper would have been advantageous to better reach the audience. Looking back, the paper that I wrote in high school met many of the requirements of a rhetorical situation.